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The Benefits of High Intensity Resistance Training and Bone Mass As We Age

As you may already know, one of the best methods to maintain current bone mineral density is through physical activity, as it increases physical stresses on bone, which help to activate the osteoblasts and favor bone deposition (Robergs & Roberts, 1997). Resistance training is one such physical activity that is increasingly being advocated as a means of retaining and even possibly increasing bone mineral density. However, the question remains, what type of resistance training is best? Although research has demonstrated the possible benefits of resistance training, there is still much controversy over which training method is better for elderly men and women specifically. A 2000 research study done by Maddalozzo GF and Snow CM was done to test the benefits of resistance training in both elderly men and women, in which to compare the differences in moderate-intensity resistance training (MIRT) to high-intensity resistance training (HIRT). The study also compared elderly men versus elderly women on the effects that the two training regimens had on bone mineral density, strength, and body composition. Even more importantly, the benefits of resistance training may also result in additional advantages such as increased independence and decreased risk of falls and injuries.

Maddalozzo and Snow obtained a group of 24 elderly men (average age of 54) and 18 elderly, post-menopausal women (average age of 52) for this 24-week study. None of the subjects had participated in an exercise or resistance training program for two years prior to the study. To begin, baseline measurements were taken for bone mass, body composition, the bone deposition-favoring hormone- Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF-I), and each subject’s one repetition maximum (1-RM). The subjects were then randomly assigned to either a MIRT or HIRT program.

Moderate-Intensity Protocol

The MIRT program was a seated, machine-based program in which the subjects trained three times per week for about 75 minutes. The subject’s intensity ranged from 40-60% of their 1-RM during the 13 exercises per session. Exercises performed included; leg extension, leg press, hamstring curls, arm curls, triceps press, chest press, chest fly, shoulder press, side lateral raise, lateral pull down, seated row, abdominal crunch, and calf raise.

High-Intensity Protocol

The HIRT subjects also trained three times per week for about 75 minutes per supervised session. In contrast to the MIRT group, the HIRT subjects used free weights in a functional standing program, involving 12 exercises for three sets of eight repetitions. These exercises included: free weight back squat, deadlift, biceps curls, sit-ups, triceps extensions, chest press, incline chest press, shoulder press, high lateral pull down, leg curl, gripper, and calf raise. One notable difference of this resistance program was that it was periodized, meaning there were two 12-week sessions separated by one transitional (nonresistance fitness activities) week to allow recovery from the high exercise intensity and prevent injuries.

Results The MIRT program resulted in a significant increase in bone mineral density for both males and females. MIRT also significantly increased lean mass (3.4% for women and 1.9% for men), peak force, and strength for both the men and women. Conversely, there was no significant change in IGF-I for either group, indicating that the increases in bone mineral density were more than likely a result of physical stresses on the bone, rather than hormonal effects.

Similarly, the HIRT program also resulted in a significant increase in bone mineral density for both men and women. Yet, only men achieved the added result of a significant increase in lumbar spine bone mineral density. HIRT resulted in significant increases in lean mass (8.1% for women and 3.2% for men), strength, and peak force for both men and women as well. Comparable to the MIRT group, there were no significant changes in IGF-I for either gender in the HIRT group, which reemphasizes the probability that physical stress was responsible for the increases in bone mass.

The results of Maddalozzo and Snow’s study demonstrate that both elderly males and females benefit from resistance exercise three times per week of both moderate- and high-intensities. However, it appears HIRT yielded slightly greater increases in bone mineral density, bone formation, and an increase in both lean mass and muscle strength. None of the participants were injured during this study, indicating that intensities as high as 70% 1-RM are safe for most healthy elderly persons. It should be noted that when training to a more advanced level of HIRT, progression needs to be emphasized in order to prevent overtraining and possible injuries, especially if you are new to this training style.

If you have any questions about this article or about high-intensity resistance training as a whole, feel free to contact Titanium Performance at!


Maddalozzo, G.F., and Snow, C.M. 2000. High intensity resistance training: Effects on bone in older men and women. Calcified Tissue International, 66, 399-404.

R.A. Robergs, and S.O. Roberts. (1997). Exercise Physiology: Exercise, Performance and Clinical Applications. Mosby.

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