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The Path of Self Hate to Self Love

Ask yourself: How many times do you wake up in the morning and think something positive about yourself? Can you recall when you've gotten out of bed in the morning and liked how you felt or what you saw in the mirror? Or do you wake up and right away see something you have to "fix"? Whether it be a facial blemish, a bloated tummy, or dry skin?

It's OKAY to see these things and acknowledge they are there, but instead of looking at them as something negative and something you have to change about yourself, accept them as they are and reflect on how those things happened. Your tummy could be bloated because you went out to dinner with friends last night and you and your friend split a delicious brownie sundae. Okay, that's cool. Maybe your skin is dry because you're so busy with work and hobbies, and putting everyone else in your life first that you haven't been taking time for self care. Right on, it happens.

What does matter is that you aren't starting your day off with a negative connotation about yourself that you need to change X, Y, and Z. You made memories with your friends when you shared that brownie sundae. Don't beat yourself up for it. Maybe you need a spa day, or even a deep tissue massage just for 30 minutes to ease your tense muscles and soothe your skin. The mood you set yourself in during your morning routine sets the vibe for your whole day, and, even if you don't agree, why not start your morning with positivity anyways if you have the opportunity to? Why waste your energy on trying to change miniscule things about yourself when you can just learn to accept them? You are only making yourself smaller. You are only bringing yourself and your body feelings of shame, guilt, and even hatred.

Not only is the path of self hate to self love non-linear, but it is also interrupted by self-acceptance. You will not move from self hate to self love instantly. If you're used to thinking "I hate my legs", "My skin sucks" , "I could really lose 10 pounds", you cannot expect to love yourself overnight. The language you speak to yourself ABOUT yourself has more of an impact that one might believe. Start today with baby steps. Right now, what is one thing you do like about yourself? Personally, I like my passion to help others see themselves in a different light than they are used to seeing themselves in. I want to help them create more positivity in themselves and teach true self acceptance. After all, our bodies are simply vehicles that get us from place A to B and should not be viewed as how "good" or "bad" of a person we are.

Take that notion about yourself that you like and just think about it for a second. Why was that the first item that came to your mind? Why do you like that about yourself? Write it down. Or don't; it's up to you. Maybe write one thing down on a small slip of paper each morning, or keep a log in your phone, and look through them all at the end of each week. Reflect on those reasons you accept yourself and reasons why you chose them, and why you think they are important qualities and characteristics to have. Just setting aside that five or 10 minutes at the end of a week is honestly so important. Self care goes incredibly far, and you owe it to yourself to reflect on why you are such a great human being on this earth. Learn to accept your body and its purpose on both the good days and the bad.

Thanks for reading :)


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