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Fat We Are Not

Here's a quick little post for your Monday! Last night, a light bulb went off in my head and I wanted to share it with you guys because I feel as if some of you might relate and need a little motivation boost as well. So, let's kick today square in the butt together! I HATE the word "fat". Calling someone else fat is SO degrading and just so wrong to me. Hearing other people say the word makes me cringe. But, more often than I would like to admit, I tell myself I "feel" fat. First of all, lets realize that fat is NOT a feeling; it's not an emotion- what you feel insecure, not fat. And second, why do I refuse to use the word when talking about other people, but I let myself say it about my own body??

SELF TALK is so important, friends! We need to speak to ourselves with positivity and love. The language you speak in your mind becomes habitual and it is essential that it's positive and motivational, not cruel and negative. After last night, this notion has moved to the top of my to-do/goal list and I am going to continue working on it every day. I'm officially done degrading my own body when I have my bad days, because yes, I have bad days like anyone else. But how can I expect to pick myself up when I'm down if I just continue shaming myself?? Further, I am not my body, and what I look like does not define who I am as a person.

If I wouldn't say it to someone else, I should never say it to myself. I challenge you today to team up with me and transition to speaking to yourself with love and positivity. Practice these habits of self-love, self-acceptance, and positive self-talk.

My/your body HAS fat, but fat we are not💕

Thanks for reading :)


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