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Let's Talk Supplements

Happy Friday, all! I just wanted to share the various supplements I take daily, both in and out of the gym, why I take them and their benefits, as well as my favorite flavors of each. I will also be doing a vlog on these soon, so keep your eye out for that as well. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments!


Vitamin C: I take 1000mg Vitamin C daily, as I tend to get sick more often than the average person. Vitamin C also plays an integral part in the synthesis of collagen, which helps support healthy skin. You can also get an adequate amount of Vitamin C through citrus fruits- limes, lemons, oranges, as well as tomatoes and strawberries.

Vitamin D: It can be hard to get a good dose of Vitamin D when you live in the northern-most part of Minnesota, so I take in 1000 IU of Vitamin D to make up for all of the missed sunshine up here in the frozen tundra! This supplement also supports bone, teeth, muscle, and immune health, as well as improving your body’s calcium absorption.

Magnesium: Sometimes I struggle with digestive issues/a slower digestive tract, so I take 250mg of magnesium to keep things regular. This mineral also helps with nerve, muscle, and heart function, as well as converting food into energy by functioning in 300+ metabolic reactions in the body. Other ways to get in enough magnesium are through oat bran, green leafy vegetables (spinach, kale), brown rice, nuts, and milk.

Fish Oil: I try to incorporate fat in my diet through more than just peanut butter and eggs by using olive oil and coconut oil, as well as supplementing with 1000mg fish oil liquid softgels, hosting 600 mg of Omega-3 fatty acids per serving. Fish oil also helps support healthy heart function. Other sources of Omega-3 fatty acids are cod, tuna, salmon, herring, halibut, and mackerel.


PE Science High Volume: If you’re looking for a serious pump during your workout, look no further than High Volume! It’s a non-stimulant (no caffeine) pre-workout and contains Vitamin C, as well as the amino acid L-Citrulline, which helps increase the supply of ingredients the body needs to making certain proteins. It also helps open up veins and arteries to improve blood flow. I actually look forward to taking this pre-workout, not only because the taste is 10/10, but the pumps I get with this product are AWESOME!

*Favorite flavors: Cotton Candy & Blue Frost

Cellucor C4: I have used C4 for almost two years now and I still love the tingly sensation this product gives me from time to time. They just released a fourth generation formula of this product, which is slightly more potent, and includes the ingredient TeaCor for improved energy that hits you quickly and lasts longer. C4, a caffeine-filled supplement, also contains the amino acid Beta Alanine, that supports muscular endurance and is what gives you the tingly sensation throughout the body to let you know it’s working. Along with Beta Alanine, C4 also hosts N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine and Creatine Nitrate, helping both energy levels in the body, as well as peaking muscular pumps and overall physical performance. I love the motivation this product gives me in the gym! The taste of this product is great as well, and I would definitely recommend only taking a half serving your first few times, especially if you are caffeine-sensitive, as you may get some jitters if you take too much.

*Favorite flavor: Icy Blue Razz


Scivation Xtend BCAAs: I drink BCAAs (branch-chain amino acids) during my workout for oth muscle recovery and muscle growth. Scivation Xtend is the best-selling, most advanced BCCA mix on the market, in my opinion, and the flavors are great-tasting as well. Scivation Xtend helps to facilitate both fat loss and new muscle construction, and also orchestrates optimal protein synthesis, helping muscle recovery. This product is also sugar-free! It helps grind you through intense workout sessions and is made of a proprietary blend of electrolytes. I would definitely recommend this product to (anyone, in general) those who tend to get sore muscles more often, train very intensely, or are just looking for a new BCAA brand t to switch up their intra-workout supplement.

*Favorite flavors: Kiwi Strawberry & Mango


PE Science protein powder: There is no doubt this is the BEST tasting protein powder I’ve ever had! It is a whey/casein blend, which alone is an awesome quality, and can be drank at any time of day. Studies show that 100% whey protein in isolation only gets you so far, and it can spike protein synthesis with an influx of amino acids, but quickly returns to baseline, leaving you where you started. Casein is a slower-digesting protein that's typically consumed for its anti-catabolic properties as it promotes a steady release of amino acids over time. Casein actually results in more retention of ingested protein than whey, and is great to drink before bed at night, preserving muscle and keeping your protein synthesis going throughout the night while you’re sleeping. PE Science protein powder is delicious in oatmeal, smoothie bowls, yogurt, or even just mixed with water for a shake! The average serving of protein is 23-24 grams per scoop.

*Favorite flavors: Snickerdoodle & Chocolate PB Cup

Cellucor COR-Performance protein powder: Since PE Science protein products are slightly more expensive than other supplement companies, I sometimes interchange them with Cellucor whey protein. This product definitely has great macros and quality ingredients, but gets watered down more easily than PE Science protein, and isn’t *quite* as flavorful. It’s great to use as a quick protein source if I want to save a little money and not use up all of my PE Science products. Cellucor’s protein is low carb and low fat, with added digestive enzymes, making it a great immediate post-workout shake before eating a high-carb/high-protein meal after the gym. The average serving of protein is about 25 grams per scoop.

*Favorite Flavors: Cookies and Cream,Cinnamon Swirl, & Peanut Butter Marshmallow

Thanks for reading! :)

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