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10 Things About Me

Happy Tuesday, all! I'm just getting back into the groove of the work week after having MLK day off, and thought I would keep this week's post light with a list of 10 things about me:

1. I am absolutely terrified of fish-swimming with them, catching them, eating them, etc.

2. My favorite color is pink

3. I am allergic to cats, deoderant, nickel, ceclore, morphine, and most chapsticks

4. I can recite the alphabet backwards in less than seven seconds

5. I have battled with six mental illnesses since the age of 17, including Obsessive Complusive Disorder

6. I love playing piano, and often find it to be a stress reliever

7. I was originally a musical theatre major, switched to law and criminology, then journalism, and here I am, a die-hard fitness and nutrition lover

8. My favorite meal while tracking is either chicken and peanut butter or sweet potatoes and peanut putter (OR all three together!)

9. Legs and shoulders are my favorite areas to lift

10. I have an intense desire to adopt a baby English bulldog and name her Lulu

Thanks for reading! :)



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