What is Macro-Counting/IIFYM??
Here's a very basic, summed up FYI on IIFYM (If It Fits Your Macros)....
To begin, there are three main macronutrients that your body needs – proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Alcohol is its own macronutrient, but it is not essential for human survivial, therefore it's not a main macro. Every food has macros, and each macronutrient has its own role to play, and is needed in different quantities depending on your goals, metabolism, training history, and many other factors.
Carbs= 4 calories/gram
Fats= 9 calories/gram
Protein=4 calories/ gram
(Alcohol= 7 calories/gram)
Example: A 4oz chicken breast as 0g carbs/2g fat/25g protein--> (2x9) + (25x4)= 118 calories. The label says 120 calories, but the USFDA Nutrition Facts are NOT EXACT.
This looks more complicated in print than it really is, but the point is that people are so focused on calories calories calories! "I must eat below 1200 calories!" But really, if you calculate your body's own individual macronutrition needs, and learn to pay attention to the carbs, fats, and proteins (and fiber) and the different amounts of each that you're taking in versus making sure your daily intake is straight salads and water, cleaning up your diet really isn't rocket science. You can find different macro calculators online, such as the original IIFYM here. Also, downloading apps on your phone, such as My Fitness Pal, or Macro Tracker, are extremely useful for helping you calculate your macro intake every day, and allow you to become more familiar with the contents of the foods you're eating. These apps have a LARGE database of foods, even chain fast food places and restaurant foods that help you estimate macros when you go out to eat (if you want to track that meal). If you DON'T want to track a meal, or you just get overwhlemed with numbers and tracking, then don't! No one is forcing you to :)
IIFYM allows you to truly eat WHAT you want, as long as It Fits Your Macros. But the sky isn't the limit quite yet...you DO need to take in an aqeuate amount of fiber for your body to process/digest/get rid of your food. The general recommended fiber intake is around 23-35 grams/day for an average person. So if you need 250g carbs, you really shouldn't have an apple for breakfast and then six pieces of cake for lunch and supper and call it a day; be smart and mindful! IIFYM doesn't mean you should gorg on everything you crave and desire 24/7; it's meant for balance. Follow your macro numbers for four out of five of your meals filled with veggies, fruit, whole grain carbs, protein, etc. And if night time comes around and you have 50g carbs left and you want a dish of ice cream, look up the serving size, scoop some into a bowl, and GO FOR IT!
I used to only allow myself certain food groups- no bagels, no ice cream, I was terrified of bananas (what?). But since discovering IIFYM about two years ago, I have familiarized myself with the nutrition content of so many different foods, there's no fear or worry that I am hitting my daily nutrition goals. Your body cannot tell the different between a Snickers bar carb versus an apple carb. It processes carbs the SAME WAY! yes, one has simple carbohydrates, and one has complex carbohydrates, but, like I always say, "A carb is a carb is a carb".
If I want to go out for frozen yogurt with friends one night, I'll just have protein (chicken, eggwhites, tuna, whey powder) for a majority of my earlier meals, along with veggies, etc throughout the day, and save up a chunk of my carb macros for the frozen yogurt at night. BALANCE. Don't deprive yourself of your favorite foods, life is too short for that ish.
WHO can use IIFYM? Anyone! You can calculate your individual macros to maintain your weight, gain weight, or lose weight. If you calculate your macros online, or have a coach help you figure them out, be consistent and also give them a week or two to see what your body and weight does. Depending on your goals, you can adjust from there. It's all a process of trial and error.
Also, everyone's macros are different! You might be the same height and weight as Susan at the gym, but you have different metabolic capacities and different activity levels, so PLEASE don't go following someone else's nutritional intake because you idolize their body type and think that it will work for you! Please let me know if you have any questions or if you follow IIFYM yourself and think I should add any tips/advice :)
Thanks for reading!
PS: you don't need to become OBSESSED with macro counting/tracking to reach your goals!! Never do anything that stresses you out. Food is FUEL, and shouldn't be stressed over! If you don't hit your numbers perfect, IT'S OKAY. If you want to go out to eat and not worry about the macros of the sandwich you want or a couple bites of an appetizer everyone is sharing, just ENJOY yourself sometimes. IIFYM is meant to be used as a GUIDE. :)