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If You're a Fred, I'm a Fred

Let me tell you a (true) short story...

Fred was a mailman in a small area of Denver, Colorado, called Washington Park. But Fred was no ordinary mailman; he took care of his neighborhood. If he knew residents would be out of town for days, or even weeks, at a time, he would place their mail in the mailbox until it was too full to hold anymore, and then he would put the remaining days' mail under their door mat, out of sight for any potential burglars and/or theifs to see that no one was home.

Fred greeted new residents to the neighborhood by first asking "Is there anything I can do to make your life easier?" Not only in terms of mail service, but extending his warm and giving spirit to all areas of the other person's life. Fred did this out of the kindness of his heart, not because he was expecting recognition or a gift in return.

When asked what motivates him to act in such ways, Fred responded, "I have to feel good about myself each day, and the satisfaction of taking care of people helps me do that. I am a perfectionist, but I have a tremendous need to accomplish as much as I can each day. I take care of people who don't always know what I've done for them. But even if nobody else knows, I do. And you know what? It doesn't take much extra time or effort to do what I do."


I believe we should all be more like Fred; "being a Fred" should be the way to live your live every day. Wouldn't the world be a different place? Say you don't like your job, and you feel like it's a dead-end, boring, ordinary position. Well, Fred is a mailman. How ordinary is that? But Fred chose to make his ordinary job extraodrinary by going above and beyond the general expectations and requirements of a mailman. He unconditionally cares for others and tries to make the lives of others easier and more pleasant, simply because he wants to. He doesn't feel that he has to. This, in turn, creates a ripple effect. By offering his services and positive attitude to others, it might change their day around, and they might realized their self-worth, value, or potential in their life. They may also pay it forward and touch the lives of others by being like Fred.

Take a second and think of the Freds you've encountered in your life, whether you know one right now, or can recall a situation where you crossed paths with someone. This is someone who, out of the kindness and sincerity of their heart, did a good deed, spoke a few kind and complimentary words, or helped you change a flat tire in the rain when every other driver sped past you, looking the other direction. Acknowledge these people, these Freds, and remind yourself why that specific person is a Fred. What makes them stand out to you? Was it what they said to you? Was it the dollar bill they gave back to you after you dropped on the gas station floor?

I challenge you today to be a Fred in this world. You don't need to end world hunger or find the cure to cancer, but change your life and the lives of those around you by giving, by showing appreciation for others, by offering your services in the simplest of ways. Start with the One-A-Day Challenge- hold the door open for someone else, smile at a person in passing, tell your waiter what a difference their effort makes to you. A small gesture with a positive attitude can make a WORLD of a difference in someone else's life. Seize the opportunity to make a positive influence on those whom you meet. Be selfless. Serve others. Be a Fred.

Thanks for reading :)



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